Echo & Rig in Tivoli Village, Las Vegas

If {you are looking for|you’re looking for|you’re in search of} {a great|an excellent|the perfect} {place to eat and drink|restaurant and bar|spot to eat and drink}{,| then| and eat, then you should} {look no further than|take a look at|go to} {the|The|Echo & Rig.} Echo & Rig in Tivoli Village. {This|The} restaurant is open {seven days a|all|7 days a} week{ and offers late night|, and is open late| and has late night} hours {Monday through Saturday,|from Monday to Saturday|on Saturdays and Mondays} {from|between|starting at} 10:00 p.m. {to|until} {1:00|11:30} a.m. There are {a variety of|many|plenty of} {great deals to be had|amazing deals available|discounts to be found} {here, including a $10|at this location, such as a $10|there, including a 10$} pitcher of beer{,| and| as well as} {a|the|an} $1.99 {Fresh|fresh|freshly made} Butcher Hot Dog{, and a Free| and a free| as well as a Free} {Cocktail|Drink|cocktail} of the Day for ladies. Nevada Solar Group


{Have a unique dining experience|Enjoy a unique dining experience|Experience a dining experience unlike any other} {that’s not too far off|which is not far from|located near} {the|on the|of the} Las Vegas Strip, if {you want to check|you’re looking to explore|you’re interested in checking out} {the menu at|their menus at|what’s on the menu in} Echo & Rig in Tivoli Village. {This steakhouse offers|The steakhouse is|This steakhouse has} {a full-service butcher and|an all-inclusive butcher shop and|the full-service butcher as well as} {USDA-certified Angus beef|USDA certified Angus steak|USDA-certified beef Angus}. The restaurant {serves|is open for} {lunch, dinner, and|lunch, dinner and|meals, lunch and dinner as well as} {weekend brunch|brunch on weekends}. {Its valet parking is complimentary|Parking for valet is free|The valet parking is available for free}.

Echo & Rig offers upscale comfort food{, including|, with| that includes} the {finest steaks in town|best steaks available|finest steaks you can find}. The {upscale restaurant also has|restaurant is upscale and has|elegant restaurant also features} {a cozy patio and|an inviting patio as well as|an intimate patio and} {a butcher shop on|an upscale butcher shop on|a butcher shop located on} {the first|the 1st|one} floor. The {decor is contemporary,|interior is modern,|decor is contemporary} {and the food is|as is the cuisine, which is|while the meals are} {delicious|delectable|excellent}. Echo & Rig is located at {440 S|the 440-S|44 S}. Rampart {Blvd|Boulevard}.

Echo & Rig serves breakfast {daily and a|every day and|all day long, as well as a} {lunch and dinner menu starting|lunch and dinner menu that starts|menu for lunch and dinner that begins} {at 11|around 11|with a breakfast menu at 11:00} a.m. {On weekends, the restaurant|The restaurant is open on weekends and|In the weekend, Echo & Rig} {features|hosts|offers} {a lavish|an extravagant|the most lavish} brunch. {It is sure|It’s sure|It’s bound} to become a {favorite|popular|top} {destination for those who love|spot for those who want|place for those who like} to {indulge in the finest|indulge in delicious|savor the best} {steaks and other dishes|meats and other meals|steaks , as well as other cuisines}. The {team at|staff at|staff of} {this|the|This} Vegas restaurant will {spare no|not spare any|put in all} effort.

{For those who want|If you’re looking for|For those looking for} the {ultimate steakhouse experience,|best steakhouse experience|ultimate steakhouse experience} the {restaurant’s butcher shop|butcher shop at the restaurant} is {an essential|a crucial|an integral} {part of the overall|element of the overall|component of the overall dining} experience. {The butcher,|Butcher|Its butcher} Trevor Morones, trained under {legendary|the legendary} Pat LaFrieda, has refined {techniques that combine classical|methods that blend classical|techniques that combine traditional} training {with a modern-day approach|with modern day methods|and modern methods}. Morones{‘ expertise is reflected| his expertise is evident| skills are evident} {in his attention to detail|in his meticulousness|by his care for detail}{, packaging the meats in| packaging the meats on| packaging the meats in} blue {butcher paper with|butcher paper , securing it with|butcher’s paper and sealing it with} {a wax seal and twine|twine and a wax seal|the use of a seal made of wax and twine}.


Echo & Rig is a {modern|contemporary} American steakhouse{ located| that is located|} {in|within|inside} Tivoli Village. {The restaurant doubles|The restaurant also functions|It also serves} {as a butcher shop|in a butchershop|with a butcher shop}{,|} {offering a variety of high|serving a wide selection of|with a selection of premium} quality meats. The restaurant {also has a patio,|also has a patio|is also equipped with a patio} {which is perfect for dining|that is ideal for eating|which is ideal for dining} {al fresco|outside in the summer heat|outdoors}.

In addition{ to serving prime| to serving premium|, they serve premium} {steaks, the restaurant|cuts of steak, this restaurant|beef, the establishment} {features|also has|has} an {upscale butcher|elegant butcher|exquisite butcher shop} and steakhouse. {It offers|The restaurant serves|It serves} {brunch until 3|brunch from 3 to 4|breakfast until 3} p.m. {on|during|at} weekends. {The food is served in|The food is served on|Food is served in} small plates{ and includes dishes|, and includes items|. It includes dishes} {such as half-inch bacon and|like half-inch bacon, and|such as half-inch bacon or} {challah|Challah} French toast with {cinnamon|a cinnamon} crunch.

The name {itself is nonsensical|is not a good one|itself is a bit odd}{, but it is representative| however it’s a good representation| but it’s representative} of the {eclectic approach to|diverse approach to|variety of} {dining|eating}. {The food is prepared|The food is served|Food is served} in a variety{ of styles| of ways|} and {dishes|cuisines|food items}{, and the| and| and the} {prices are reasonable|costs are affordable|cost is reasonable}.

{Non-steak options|Alternatives to steak that aren’t steak|Non-steak alternatives}

If {you are|you’re} not a {steak lover|fan of steak|big fan of steaks}{, don’t worry;| Don’t fret;| but you don’t have to worry,} {you can find|there are|you’ll find} {plenty of other delicious|many other|numerous other tasty} {options at the Refined restaurant|choices at the restaurant Refined|alternatives at the Refined restaurant} {at Echo &|at Echo and|located at Echo and} Rig. {This steakhouse offers contemporary|The steakhouse serves contemporary|The steakhouse is a modern} {seafood and steak dishes|menus of steak and seafood|food options, including steak and seafood}{, plus a nose-to-toe| and a| as well as a nose-to-toe} butcher shop.

Marvin {oversees|is the chef in charge of} the {kitchen, dining experience|restaurant’s kitchen, dining experience,} and special programming {at|in} the restaurant. He {is also involved|also participates|also takes part} in {community outreach|outreach to the community}. He hopes to {inspire|encourage|motivate} his {guests and the surrounding|guests as well as the|customers and the} community to {embrace and enjoy|appreciate and embrace|be open to and appreciate} the {taste|flavor|delicious taste} of meat. The steakhouse {offers many|has a variety of|serves a wide range of} vegetarian and non-steak {options|choices|alternatives}{, as well as| and| along with} {homemade desserts and a full|delicious homemade desserts and a complete|home-cooked desserts, as well as a full} bar. {The prices are also very|The prices are|Prices are} {reasonable, making this|affordable, which makes this|affordable, making it} {a great choice|an excellent option|the perfect option} for those who {don’t like|do not want|prefer not} {to eat meat|eating meat}.

{In addition to|Alongside} {steaks,|the steaks|meats and steaks} Echo & Rig has{ a selection of|| various} {small plates and salads|smaller plates as well as salads|tiny plates, salads and other dishes}. {It also offers|They also offer|The restaurant also serves} {seasonal, local and organic|organic, seasonal and local|fresh, local, and organic} vegetables. {Many of the ingredients used|The majority of the ingredients used|A lot of the ingredients utilized} in {its kitchen are sourced|the kitchen come|the kitchen are procured} from nearby {farms and ranches|ranches and farms}. The menu {consists of|is comprised of|includes} more than 90 {items|dishes|options}{, and the chef’s approach| and the chef’s style| and the chef’s method} is {focused on|centered on|centered around} {quality and artistry|the highest quality and artistic|excellence and creativity}. The steaks {range|are available|vary} {from nine to ten|between nine and ten|from 9 to 10} {ounces, so they’re more|pounds, making them more|inches, which means they’re} {accessible for most appetites|suitable for those with a larger appetite|affordable for people with larger appetites}. {Most meat entrees will run|The majority of meat dishes will cost|The most meat-based dishes cost} between $21 {and|to} $29. A steak sandwich {will cost|can cost|is} {$14|$14}. Browse next article

Address: 440{ S| South|}{ Rampart|. Rampart} {Blvd|Boulevard|Boulevard,} {Suite 120,|Suite 120|Room 120} Las Vegas, NV {89145|889145}, United States


Thursday {11AM-10PM|11AM – 10PM}

Friday 11AM-11PM

Saturday{ 10AM-3PM|, 10AM-3PM}{,|} 4-11PM

Sunday{ 10AM-3PM|, 10AM-3PM}, 4-10PM

Monday 11AM-10PM

Tuesday{ 11AM-10PM|, 11AM-10PM}

Wednesday 11AM-10PM

Phone: +1 702-489-3525