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Solar Panel Installation and Related Concepts

Nevada Solar Group specializes in solar panel installation and offers a wide range of services related to solar energy. The company aims to educate customers about solar panel concepts to help them make informed decisions.

Solar Panel Basics

Solar panels are devices that convert sunlight into electricity. They are made up of individual solar cells, typically made of silicon. These cells absorb photons from the sun’s rays and release electrons, generating a flow of electricity. The electricity generated by the solar panels is in the form of direct current (DC), which needs to be converted into alternating current (AC) by a device called an inverter. AC is the type of electricity used in most homes and businesses.

Solar Panel Placement

Solar panels can be mounted on roofs or on the ground, depending on the available space and sunlight conditions. The angle and orientation of the panels are important factors to maximize their efficiency and energy production. Nevada Solar Group offers professional installation services to ensure that solar panels are properly positioned and secured.

Solar Panel Concepts: Shading Analysis and Sun Path Analysis

Solar panels need sunlight to generate electricity, so their performance is affected by factors such as shade, clouds, and the angle of the sun. To address this, there are solar panel concepts like shading analysis and sun path analysis.

Shading analysis assesses the amount of shade that could potentially affect solar panel performance, allowing proper placement to avoid shading issues. By analyzing the surrounding structures and vegetation, Nevada Solar Group ensures that the solar panels receive maximum sunlight exposure throughout the day.

Sun path analysis determines the path of the sun throughout the day and year, helping to optimize the angle and orientation of the panels. By considering the local latitude, the time of year, and the surrounding environment, Nevada Solar Group strategically positions the solar panels to capture the most sunlight and maximize energy production.

Net Metering

Another important concept in solar panel installation is net metering. Net metering is a policy that allows solar panel owners to receive credit for the excess electricity they generate. When a solar panel system generates more electricity than is needed, the excess is sent back to the grid and accumulated as credits. These credits can be used to offset future electricity costs when the solar system is not generating enough power, such as during nighttime or cloudy days.

Nevada Solar Group helps customers understand and take advantage of net metering policies, allowing them to save money on their electricity bills and contribute to a more sustainable energy future.


In conclusion, Nevada Solar Group specializes in solar panel installation and offers services related to solar energy. Solar panels convert sunlight into electricity through solar cells made of silicon. Proper placement and orientation of solar panels are important to maximize their efficiency. Shading analysis and sun path analysis help optimize the performance of solar panels. Net metering allows solar panel owners to receive credits for excess electricity generated. Nevada Solar Group aims to educate customers about these concepts to help them make informed decisions about solar panel installation.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are solar panels?

Solar panels are devices that convert sunlight into electricity. They are made up of individual solar cells, typically made of silicon, which absorb photons from the sun’s rays and release electrons, generating a flow of electricity.

How are solar panels installed?

Solar panels can be mounted on roofs or on the ground. Nevada Solar Group offers professional installation services to ensure proper placement and secure attachment of the panels.

For more information about solar panel installation and related services, visit Nevada Solar Group’s website.

For immediate assistance, call Nevada Solar Group at 702-899-5577.

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