Hollywood Car Museum

The {giant|massive|huge} Hollywood Car Museum {showcases|exhibits|features} {movie star automobiles including|the cars of movie stars, including|film star cars like} Herbie, Chitty Bang, Bond cars, and {more|many more|much more}. This {attraction is sure to|attraction will|museum is sure to} {impress|delight|amaze} {everyone|anyone who visits|all visitors}. {You can take|It is possible to take|It’s possible to go on} {a tour of these automobiles|an excursion in these cars|the tour in these vehicles} {while enjoying|while taking in|as you take in} the {sights|attractions} {of|in|that are in} Las Vegas. {The|Its|This} Giant Museum of Movie Star Automobiles is a {must-visit place|must-see place|must visit} for {fans of|those who love|anyone who loves} Hollywood {and film|as well as film|as well as films}. The {vehicles are arranged by|cars are arranged according to|vehicles are organized by} {movie stars,|film stars,|film stars, ranging} {from the smallest to the|from the smallest to|starting from the smallest and ending with the} largest. {The museum is located|It is situated|Museum is} {at|in|on} 5115 Dean Martin Dr UNIT 905, Las Vegas, NV {89118|89128|989118}. Next article

The museum is {located at|located in|situated at} {the|The} Las Vegas Convention Center and is {free to enter|free to visit|open to the public for free}. Admission is included {with the|with|in the} purchase of {a ticket|tickets}. {There are no reservations|Reservations are not|No reservations are} {required and the museum accepts|needed and the museum will accept|necessary and the museum accepts} {passes|tickets} {and credit cards|as well as credit card|or credit cards}. {You can also tour the|It is also possible to tour|The museum also offers tours of} {cars that made their debut|vehicles that were featured|automobiles that first appeared} in {movies and television shows|television and film productions|TV and movies}. The museum {houses|is home to|has} more than 100 {movie-related vehicles|vehicles from the movie industry|film-related vehicles}{, including| which include| such as} {the|those from the|one of them, the} Pink Hudson Hornet from Porky’s. {The|It is home to the} Hollywood Cars Museum is located {at the renowned|in the famous|at the well-known} L.A. Convention Center.

The museum also {has|houses|features} {the|it’s own|The} Liberace Garage, which displays {several cars from|various cars from|many of the cars featured in} the film. {It has a huge|The museum has an extensive|It houses a large} collection of {classic and vintage|vintage and classic|antique and classic} Hollywood {cars|automobiles}. The museum {has a lot|houses a variety|is home to a number} of replicas of {famous cars|famous vehicles|iconic cars}{, including| such as| like} {the|those from the|The} Starsky and Hutch Lotus Submarine Car {and|as well as} the General Lee from the Dukes of Hazzard. The museum {has a section|also has a section|has a room} {dedicated|that is dedicated|specifically devoted} {to|specifically to|for} “Knights and Queens{,|}” {where you can view|in which you can see|where you can see} {the|an actual|in detail the} Death Vehicle from the film “Bonnie and Clyde.” The exhibit {includes a replica|also includes a model|features a replica} {of|that is|from} the Bonnie and Clyde Death Vehicle {and|as well as|along with} {other vehicles from|various other cars from|additional vehicles featured in} the {TV|television} series.

The Hollywood Car Museum features a {large display|huge collection|vast collection} of James Bond cars, including the {iconic|famous} Thunderball {motorcycle|motorbike|bike} {from|in|that was featured in} Die Another Day, and the Lotus Esprit submarine car from The Spy Who Loved Me. {You’ll also find|There are also|Also, you can see} replicas of {various|a variety of|many} TV and film {characters’|character’s} {vehicles, including|automobiles, such as|cars, including} {the|those from the|The} Death Auto from the “Bonnie and Clyde” {movie|film}. {There are even the|You can even find the|The collection even includes} Flintstones {mobiles from|Mobiles that were featured in|vehicles from} the {movie|film}. {The collection is truly|This collection is} {unique and you’ll be sure|distinctive and you’ll definitely be able|special and you’ll surely} to {enjoy|be enthralled by|love} it.

The Hollywood Cars Museum in Las Vegas is home to {several|a number of|more than a} hundred Hollywood {cars|automobiles}. The {cars here are over|vehicles here cover|museum’s cars cover more than} {30,000 square feet|30000 square feet|thirty thousand square feet,} and {range|span} from RoboCop’s chase {car to|vehicle to|car all the way to} Back to the Future Delorean. The museum {has several other|also houses a variety of|is home to a number of} {popular movie vehicles, including|famous movie vehicles, such as|iconic movie vehicles, like} the Flintstones{‘ car and| car as well as| car and} the {first|very first} Fast and Furious film. {The museum is open|It is accessible|Museum hours are} {daily|every day|all day}{, except for| with the exception of| on all days, with the exception of} {Christmas|the holidays of Christmas} {and July 4th|as well as July Fourth|the 4th of July and Christmas}. A {trip|visit} {to|at|into} the Hollywood Motor Museum will surely {satisfy the entire family|delight the whole family|delight all the family}.

The Hollywood Car Museum Las Vegas is {an excellent|a great|a fantastic} {destination for people who are|place to visit for those who are|location for those} {passionate about|fascinated by|obsessed with} {cars|automobiles}. The museum {has over|is home to more than|houses more than} forty {classic cars,|vintage cars, ranging|cars that are classic,} {from the infamous|including the famous|starting with the legendary} Bugatti to the {blinged out|flashy|extravagant} Liberace. {It is open daily|The museum is open every day|It’s open all day long}{, but you can’t| however you aren’t able to| but you’re not able to} {take videos or pictures|capture photos or videos|make videos or take pictures} {inside the museum|within the building|in the exhibit}. {But if you want|If you’re looking|However, if you’re looking} to {learn|know|find out} more about the {history|story|background} of {the cars|cars|the automobiles} in Hollywood{, this| This| it} is the {place to go|right place|best place to visit}. {The entertainment industry|Entertainment|It} is {a big|a significant|an important} {part|component|portion} of the American economy, {so|and|which is why} {the|it is no surprise that the|you should visit the} Hollywood Cars Museum in Las Vegas {will provide you with|can provide you with|can give you} {a unique perspective|an unique view|the unique perspective}. A great place to also visit is

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