Silhouette of houses during a blackout at night. Streetlights and house lights are off, with only the moon lighting up the neighborhood.

PGE Blackout

When the Lights Go Out: PG&E Blackouts Hit California Hard

Rolling blackouts caused by Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) have become an unfortunate reality for many Northern Californians in recent years. But even Southern California residents serviced by utilities like LADWP and SCE face risks of preventative grid shutoffs as climate change worsens.

Rather than leave families vulnerable, decentralized home solar energy systems provide reliable backup power during grid failures. As California’s #1 solar provider, LA Solar Group explains why and how to prepare for the next big blackout.

Why PG&E Blackouts Happen

PG&E provides natural gas and electric service to 16 million Central and Northern Californians. But in response to catastrophic wildfires started by their equipment, the utility preemptively cuts power flow during periods of high winds and drought conditions.

These Public Safety Power Shutoffs (PSPS) prevent sparks from lines or transformers that could ignite brush and homes. But they directly threaten the most vulnerable unable to cope without refrigeration, lights, and electrically-powered medical devices.

The Human Impact of Widespread Blackouts

PSPS events lasting up to 5 days have brought distress far beyond spoiled food and dark homes. A barrage of 911 calls flood understaffed emergency response centers from those lacking medical equipment or refrigerated insulin and vaccines.

Poor communications by utilities leave many residents unsure if or when their area will lose power. Such uncertainty complicates efforts to charge devices, store water, fuel vehicles, or make temporary living arrangements.

When the lights do cut out, temperatures within homes can spike to life-threatening levels without air conditioning. And carbon monoxide poisonings tend to increase as those desperate for warmth improperly use propane grills and generators indoors.

Bracing for Extended Shutoffs

PSPS episodes could threaten California annually for a decade unless aging poles and lines get replaced across PG&E’s 70,000 square mile service area. This process will take years given elevated costs and bureaucracy. The larger grid also remains exposed to earthquakes and potential cyberattacks that can trigger extended blackouts.

So homeowners must plan ahead to safely weather power interruptions for hours or days at a time when they eventually strike. Is your family prepared with:

  • Bottled water and non-perishable foods
  • Cash (ATMs don’t work without power)
  • Flashlights and batteries
  • Portable chargers or spare batteries
  • Battery-powered radio for news alerts
  • Ample gas for generators and vehicles
  • Paper maps since GPS may be unavailable
  • First aid kit and several days worth of medications
  • Coolers and ice packs to save refrigerated foods
  • Pet food and extra water for animals

Rotating perishable items and bottled water to keep them fresh proves worthwhile even if you avoid using many items. And maintaining good relations with neighbors allows you to share resources and information whenever the next PSPS hits.

Health Concerns When Lacking Power

Californians with medical conditions face immediate threats when blackouts halt device operation. Critical equipment left inoperable without electricity includes:

  • Motorized wheelchairs and scooters
  • Sleep apnea machines improving oxygen intake
  • Nebulizers administering asthma medications
  • Refrigerated insulin for diabetics
  • Infant apnea monitors tracking breathing
  • Home dialysis machines
  • Specialized beds assisting burn victims

Life-sustaining electronics and other medical devices often get overlooked when tallying costs of blackouts. But the disabled, chronically ill, and medically fragile suffer most without them.

Additionally, losing air conditioning for even several hours in California’s summer heat poses grave concerns for the elderly and those with asthma, lung disease, or heart conditions. Having a safe and sufficiently cool environment proves essential when health and supportive technologies get disrupted.

Economic Damages From Utility Blackouts

Most focus naturally goes toward health impacts during electrical outages. But the financial damages inflicted by multi-day PSPS events also demand attention given their scale over affected regions.

With many California homes and businesses lacking generators or sufficient battery reserves, losing refrigeration for food and vital computing systems adds up fast. Estimated costs from claims and lost productivity during prior large-scale PSPS actions exceed $10 billion.

And as private solar systems continue displacing utilities as the primary power source for forward-thinking households, income losses by electric companies raise prices further for remaining conventional utility customers. This creates a vicious cycle making home-generated renewable energy even more financially attractive.

Finding the Silver Lining

The immense hardships imposed by sweeping power shutoffs can inspire positive change at both the personal and political level. Having contingency plans and backup energy sources better prepares homes to weather the next outage.

And vocal support for reforming aging infrastructure and unsafe utility practices helps motivate regulators toward quicker grid modernization investments leveraging eco-friendly options like rooftop solar. When transmission lines get buried underground and outage protocols improve, communities grow more resilient to various threats.

Go Solar With Battery Backup

For Energy Insurance

Rather than remain vulnerable to utility-driven blackouts with devastating personal costs, California homeowners increasingly choose personal power security through solar panels paired with home batteries.

Benefits of Home Solar Backup Power

Going solar provides more than environmental benefits and reduced electric bills – having your own power plant also supplies critical redundancy against grid instability. Key advantages over diesel generators and their unreliable fuel deliveries include:

Clean renewable energy
Solar absorbs free, unlimited sunshine without emitting greenhouse gases or air pollutants.

Ultra-reliable off-grid supply
Solar panels and batteries keep working reliably for decades with minimal maintenance needs.

Unlimited runtime
Sunlight automatically recharges solar battery banks each day, enabling infinite operating time.

Automatic integration
Today’s specialized batteries seamlessly kick in when the grid cuts out.

Full home backup capability
With sufficient solar array and battery capacity, all critical household loads can stay energized indefinitely.

Quiet operation
No noisy gasoline motor disturbing sleep like portable generators.

Grid independence
Use more self-generated solar electricity while slashing energy bills.

Electric car charging
Many battery options allow uninterrupted EV fueling too.

While upfront purchase and installation costs for solar gear plus storage batteries may seem high, know that most expenses get returned through utility bill savings and government incentives over the long run.

And being able to safely power through multi-day grid failures is priceless, providing rare refuge as neighboring homes sit dark. Enjoy peace of mind and laughter with family free of electric anxiety each time the utilities fail.

Calculate Needed Solar Battery Capacity

When evaluating home solar systems with integrated battery storage, a key metric becomes usable battery capacity to power essentials overnight or longer. Capacity needs vary based largely on:

  • Home square footage
  • Number of residents
  • Typical daily household electricity consumption
  • Desired backup duration through extended grid outages
  • Critical loads needing indefinite off-grid operation

Be sure to account for future power demands like charging forthcoming electric vehicles too when right-sizing solar battery capacity.

As examples, moderate capacity options like the Tesla Powerwall provide between 10-15 kilowatt hours (kWh) of stored energy. Meanwhile heavy-duty industrial batteries offer 200+ kWh for max grid independence.

There is no universal perfect solar system and battery size for everyone. Reputable regional solar installers like LA Solar Group tailor robustness to your family’s unique budget and resilience targets. Leverage our team’s expertise regarding battery options when enhancing energy reliability at home.

Why LA Solar Group Stands Above Other California Solar Companies

As California’s most trusted solar provider after 15+ years, our qualified consultants simplify the transition toward energy independence. Core advantages over alternative installers include:

Navigating permits/rebates – We handle required local paperwork and maximize financial incentives.

Flexible options – Choose owned or leased systems, with/without batteries per needs.

System performance guarantees – Ensure the promised savings via warranty protections.

Tailored solar+battery sizing – Right-fit equipment to household consumption.

Local installation & maintenance – Based right in Los Angeles for rapid support.

Grid independence focus – We reduce reliance on failing utility infrastructure.

Batteries & off-grid tech – From compact Powerwalls to commercial-scale solutions.

Latest panel innovations – Continually adopt cutting-edge solar technologies.

Car charging readiness – Ensure ample capacity for powering future EVs.

Contact LA Solar Group today for a free home solar evaluation from our certified system designers. We’ll assess your unique power situation and risk factors while explaining the smartest, most affordable path toward energy security in a world filled with uncertainty.

Join thousands of informed California homeowners already embracing solar backup energy to circumvent the next PG&E blackout. The sun provides all the reliable, clean fuel you need…if you know how to harness it properly!

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