Should I Pay Cash For A Solar System

The sun, a celestial being that has brought life and energy to the world for centuries. Its rays sparkle off the solar panels on rooftops of buildings and homes, bringing hope for a future powered by renewable energy sources. Paying cash for solar systems is becoming an increasingly popular way to install photovoltaic technology in one’s home or business; however, there are several key factors to consider before making this commitment. This article will discuss whether it is beneficial to pay cash upfront when purchasing a solar system.

The cost of installing solar technology can be expensive, but with careful research into potential savings and incentives offered by governments, businesses, and organizations worldwide, it is possible to reduce costs significantly. Additionally, many countries have established net metering policies which allow customers with rooftop-installed photovoltaic systems to feed excess power back into the electricity grid at retail rates—further adding value to any investment made in a solar system.

Finally, it should also be noted that while paying cash may make sense from an economic standpoint in some cases, financing options such as loans or leases may also exist depending on where you live. It is important to weigh all financial options carefully before committing funds towards the purchase of a new solar system.

Understanding The Benefits Of Paying Cash For Solar

The use of cash to purchase a solar system can be an attractive proposition for many homeowners. Like raindrops on a rooftop, the benefits of paying cash stretch far and wide; from reduced monthly utility bills to increased access to cash savings. To better understand why making a cash purchase should be seriously considered when investing in solar energy, let us explore this further.

Cash purchases provide immediate rebates that are not available with financing options. Additionally, no interest charges need to be paid over time as is required when taking out a loan or leasing equipment – allowing consumers to maximize their investment return more quickly. Furthermore, since there is no debt associated with purchasing power-generating equipment outright, individuals have greater flexibility in terms of potential upgrades and expansions without being constrained by existing contracts or financial obligations.

From reducing long-term costs through lower monthly payments to potentially increasing property values if done correctly, using cash to invest in solar energy presents numerous advantages compared to other forms of payment such as loans or leases. Homeowners who choose this option may also benefit from any incentives offered by local governments or individual utilities that help cover some installation costs up front. By carefully considering all these factors when weighing the pros and cons between buying with cash versus financing options, homeowners can make an informed decision about how best to reduce their power bill savings while still achieving desired outcomes like improved home value and increased efficiency.

Cash Vs Solar Loan Comparison

When considering the purchasing of a solar system, cash or loan are two common payment options. This section will compare these two financing methods with regard to upfront costs and monthly payments.

Cash is an immediate form of payment that eliminates any future debt obligations other than regular maintenance fees for upkeep. Paying cash up front reduces the total cost compared to making installment payments over time. Solar tax credits can be applied when paying in full, thus reducing the final price even more.

For larger investment amounts, homeowners may consider equity loans as they provide lower interest rates than credit cards while still offering convenient monthly payments. Power purchase agreements (PPAs) are also available which allow you to pay only for the energy your system produces rather than covering both panel installation and usage costs up front. All of these solar financing options should be considered depending on individual circumstances.

TIP: Research all potential solar financing options before committing to one so that you have a well-informed understanding of what works best for you financially.

Benefits Of Paying In Cash For Solar Panels

Paying for solar panel installations with cash is an attractive option for many homeowners. This method of payment offers a variety of benefits over other financing options, such as taking out a loan to purchase the panels. One primary benefit of paying in full upfront is that it can reduce the cost of ownership by eliminating interest payments associated with solar panel loans. Additionally, customers who choose to make a cash payment have more control over the total costs since they will not be subject to fluctuations caused by varying monthly electricity rates or changes in interest rates when obtaining solar panel loans.

Another major advantage of making an upfront payment for solar panels is that homeowners are able to save money on installation fees and various taxes imposed on purchases made through traditional financing methods. Furthermore, there may also be additional incentives available from local governments or energy companies offered exclusively to those individuals who pay the entire amount at once rather than opting for a loan-based approach.

Overall, cash payment provides several advantages compared to taking out a loan when purchasing solar panels, including reduced cost due to lower interest rates, savings on installation fees and taxes, as well as potential government incentives if available. Making this type of outright purchase eliminates long-term commitments often associated with financing agreements and allows consumers to take full ownership without having to worry about fluctuating monthly electricity bills or changing interest rates.

Advantages Of Financing Solar Panels

When it comes to making long-term investments in renewable energy, financing solar panels is an absolute game changer. It can provide households and businesses with the opportunity to access financial opportunities that are simply out of reach when paying upfront for a solar system. With the potential to reduce electricity bills, save money on taxes, obtain improvement loans, and benefit from various solar incentives; financing options open up doors that were once closed.

Financing solar projects has become increasingly popular due to its numerous advantages. Solar loans allow homeowners or business owners to take advantage of tax credits, rebates and other cost savings without having a large sum of cash available upfront. The loan terms can also be tailored specifically based on the customer’s needs such as location or size of installation which makes them attractive for those looking for long term benefits over short-term costs. Additionally, customers may even have the option to lower their monthly utility bill while increasing the value of their property by adding efficiency upgrades like installing PV systems at no additional cost.

Solar panel financing offers immense flexibility in how you pay for your investment into renewable energy sources. Customers can choose from different types of payment plans depending on their budget and preferences such as 0% down payments with flexible repayment schedules or secured loan programs through banks or credit unions. TIP: Research all possible financing options before settling on one – explore low interest rates and government subsidies first!

What Are The 3 Most Common Solar Panel Financing Options?

Financing solar panels has many advantages, yet it is not the only option; one can also pay cash for a solar system. It is important to consider all options in order to make an educated decision that best suits budget and needs. To determine what financing plans are available, there are three common ways of paying for solar panel systems: tax credits, loans and leases.

Tax Credits are offered by federal, state and local governments as incentives for homeowners who switch to renewable energy sources such as solar power. The Federal Solar Investment Tax Credit (ITC) allows consumers to deduct 30 percent of their total cost from their federal taxes when they purchase a qualifying residential or commercial photovoltaic system with loan proceeds or other funds. Additionally, some states offer additional tax credits on top of the ITC.

Loans provide another way to finance a solar system without having to use personal savings up front. Homeowners may be able to qualify for low interest rates if they have good credit scores, making it easier to afford monthly payments over time while still reaping long-term financial benefits of going solar. Depending on where you live, banks or credit unions might offer special loan programs tailored toward funding home improvement projects like installing solar panels. Alternatively, there are dedicated lenders that specialize in providing financing specifically for green projects like this one.

Solar leasing companies allow individuals to lease equipment rather than own it outright – typically requiring no money down and offering fixed rate payment plans throughout the duration of the contract term which could range between 10-20 years depending on provider terms & conditions . These leasing companies often take advantage of government incentives including the ITC and SRECs (Solar Renewable Energy Certificates). In addition, lines of credit provided through utility companies may be used as both short-term solutions and permanent replacements for traditional bank loans or leases due to lower interest rates associated with them compared with those found at most banks and other lending institutions.

The various possibilities afforded by these different methods ensure that nearly everyone can find a suitable solution when considering how best to finance their investment into a solar panel system – whether it be through federally backed tax credits or alternative means such as loans and leased agreements from private providers – each possessing its own unique set of pros and cons worth evaluating before committing financially .

Paying Cash For Solar Panels: Pros & Cons

Paying cash for solar panels is a viable option for those with enough money upfront. Solar power systems are an investment that can provide long-term returns, including monthly savings on energy bills and tax credits after installation. Understanding the pros and cons of paying cash versus financing solar equipment is essential to make an informed decision about your purchase:

1) Money Upfront – Paying cash requires the full cost of the system up front, which may be too expensive for some homeowners. It is important to ensure you have sufficient funds available before committing to this option. 2) Tax Credits – Paying by cash gives immediate access to any applicable state or federal tax incentives as soon as the system is installed, reducing total costs significantly in many cases. 3) Return on Investment – A return on investment (ROI) from installing a solar power system typically takes between 5 and 10 years based on average payback period calculations, but can be much sooner when factoring in additional benefits like monthly savings and tax credits. 4) Installation Costs – Cash payment often reduces overall installation costs compared to using financing options due to reduced paperwork and transaction fees associated with lenders.

When considering whether or not to pay cash for solar panels it is important to weigh all factors carefully. From initial outlay of money through potential future gains via energy production and monetary incentives, understanding these dynamics will help make sure you get the most value out of your solar panel purchase while avoiding any unnecessary financial risk. Transition into the next section regarding ‘financing solar panels: pros & cons’ provides readers with greater insight into how they should approach their own individual situation.

Financing Solar Panels: Pros & Cons

Financing solar panels is often an attractive option for those wishing to switch to renewable energy sources. It can be likened to a long-term investment, with the potential of great returns on one’s financial and ecological commitments. Solar energy systems are expensive investments, ranging from tens of thousands of dollars for residential installations or even more for large commercial projects; thus, financing options such as unsecured loans and energy mortgages become increasingly appealing.

Various factors should be taken into consideration when weighing up whether to finance or pay cash upfront for a solar system installation. One significant benefit of loan financing is that it allows access to government incentives which cover some or all costs associated with installing solar power systems, making the overall process much more cost-effective in comparison with other forms of renewable energy technology. Furthermore, by taking out a loan there is no need to make a substantial lump sum payment which could otherwise deplete one’s savings account.

Another factor worth noting is that many lenders offer reduced interest rates on solar panel loans than they do on conventional borrowing products such as car loans or credit cards. This makes them an ideal choice for individuals who may not have enough money saved up but still want to invest in clean energy solutions without sacrificing their bottom line. Moreover, some banks also provide additional benefits like flexible repayment terms so customers can tailor their payments according to their individual needs and circumstances.

This information provides insight into what financing solar panels entails and the advantages it offers over paying cash outright. But before making any decisions regarding how best to fund this eco-friendly investment, it pays off to consider leasing agreements too – another viable way of accessing the benefits offered by sustainable technologies without having to break the bank balance.

Leasing Solar Panels: Pros & Cons

Leasing solar panels is an increasingly popular way to obtain access to renewable energy. When compared to the traditional purchase of solar equipment, it offers a number of potential benefits and disadvantages that must be carefully considered before making an investment in solar technology. Understanding these pros and cons can help determine which financing option is right for you.

The primary advantage of leasing solar equipment is that there is no upfront expense required by the consumer. The installation and maintenance costs are typically included in the lease agreement, thus allowing individuals with limited funds or credit options access to renewable energy sources. Additionally, this method often includes lower monthly payments than purchasing outright, thereby reducing overall energy usage expenses.

On the other hand, when considering whether to lease or buy solar components, one must also take into account additional expenses such as government incentives or tax breaks that may be available if purchased directly from a vendor. Furthermore, while many leases offer flexible payment plans and fixed rates over time, some contracts may require large penalties for early termination; making it difficult for those who wish to switch providers at any point during their agreement period. Lastly, customers should note that leased systems do not accrue equity like those purchased outright would; meaning that any long-term cost savings associated with ownership are forfeited when opting for a lease instead.

By weighing both advantages and drawbacks of leasing versus buying solar components, consumers can make an informed decision about how best to invest in green technology while minimizing overall financial burden. By understanding all aspects related to each type of purchase or lease arrangement prior to committing to either option, they will be able to maximize the return on their investment while ensuring future satisfaction with their chosen solution.

Which Solar Panel Financing Option Is Right For You?

When it comes to financing your solar energy system, the decision-making process can be like navigating a maze. With so many choices that affect your budget, the best way forward is to arm yourself with knowledge and select an option that works for you. Understanding what’s available in terms of payment options will help ensure you make the right choice.

From cash payments to credit unions or loan programs, there are several ways to finance a solar panel installation. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages depending on your financial situation and payback period expectations. Here is an overview of each: * Cash Payments: Paying for panels with cash up front gives you full ownership from day one without monthly payments. Additionally, you may be eligible for subsidies and additional energy credits depending on where you live. * Credit Unions & Banks: Offering longer repayment terms than other methods, these institutions give customers access to competitive interest rates alongside various incentives such as federal tax credits towards green improvements at home. * Solar Marketplace Financing Options: Several online companies have emerged in recent years offering customized loans tailored specifically for homeowners looking to go solar. These often require zero money down but come with shorter financing terms compared to banks and credit unions – usually around 12 months or less.

Whether you decide to use cash or opt for a long-term loan solution, understanding all the options available before taking the plunge into solar power will help ensure maximum savings over time and provide peace of mind knowing you made the right decision according to your individual needs.

How Long Is A Typical Solar Loan?

A solar loan is like a bridge between the present and future, connecting homeowners to the potential of clean energy. It allows individuals to take advantage of the cost-saving benefits of solar power with an efficient payment plan. Solar loan providers offer loans for homeowners that come in different forms, such as equity lines or personal installment plans. Depending on which option you choose, the length of your solar loan can range from one year up to twenty-five years.

When considering a solar loan, it is important to understand how long it will last in order to properly assess its impact on your budget over time. Your monthly payments need to be taken into account when calculating your tax liability and projected savings from lower electricity costs over the life of the loan. In addition, some lenders may also require minimum credit scores before approving a loan application for their products.

Considering all these factors together can help ensure you make an informed decision about what kind of payment plan best suits your financial needs and goals. Whether you are looking at shorter terms or longer ones, researching various options offered by multiple loan providers is essential for finding the most appropriate solution for powering your home with renewable sources of energy.

What Credit Score Do You Need For A Solar Loan?

When considering solar panel financing, it is important to understand the credit score needed for a loan. Most loan providers require an excellent credit score in order to finance a system; this means generally having a FICO score of 700 or higher. Credit scores are determined by one’s credit history, which includes past repayment behavior and other financial activity such as debt management. The following list outlines three key points related to obtaining solar loans: 1) A good credit score is necessary – The majority of lenders will not approve financing without an excellent credit rating (700+). 2) Variable rates may apply – Depending on the lender, variable interest rates can be used when calculating the overall cost of the investment. 3) Upfront investment may be required – Some loan companies may request that you make an initial deposit towards your purchase before they agree to provide funding. In addition to understanding what type of credit score is required for a loan, it is also important to consider other options like solar leases or power purchase agreements (PPAs). These alternatives offer different benefits from traditional loans and can help reduce costs associated with going solar. By understanding all available options thoroughly, homeowners can decide which option best meets their needs and budget requirements.

Solar Leases Or Power Purchase Agreements (Ppa)

The solar industry has seen an increase in the use of solar leases and power purchase agreements (PPAs) as a means to finance residential or commercial installations. By signing up for these arrangements, consumers can often save money on their energy bills while taking advantage of renewable energy sources. There are certain benefits that come with this type of financing; here’s what you should know: 1. One major benefit is that there are typically no origination fees associated with PPAs or solar leases, unlike other types of loan products available through banks or credit unions. 2. The federal government offers certain tax credits and incentives over a period of time which may bring down the overall cost of purchasing and installing panels. 3. Solar leasing and PPAs offer more stability than traditional utility rates because they remain constant throughout the duration of the agreement whereas energy rates fluctuate from year to year depending on market prices. These three points demonstrate how beneficial it can be to pursue a lease or PPA when looking into ways to pay for your solar system installation. Additionally, homeowners can rest assured knowing that their energy costs will stay consistent during the span of their contract since monthly payments remain fixed regardless of changing energy rates. Ultimately, those seeking out ways to reduce their electricity bills by utilizing clean energy resources would do well to explore both options before making any decisions about financing their project.

Best Ways To Pay For Your Panels

Solar panel installation has become increasingly popular for residential customers, with the number of installations growing over 200% between 2012 and 2016. Therefore, it is no surprise that finding the best ways to pay for your panels can be a daunting task. A rate of return on an initial cost should always be at the top of any homeowner’s list when choosing how to finance their solar system. In addition, another important factor to consider is the lowest cost option and overall financial savings in order to maximize returns on your initial investment.

For those looking to reduce upfront costs, leasing or power purchase agreements (PPA) are two viable options. Generally speaking, PPAs provide homeowners access to solar systems with little-to-no down payment; however, this does come at the expense of giving up ownership rights from solar energy generated by their own rooftop array. Leases offer more flexibility and tend to include maintenance packages which may reduce operating risks associated with owning a system outright.

When taking into account all these factors as well as potential advantage of tax credits available in many areas, there are several different financing routes one could take when investing in solar panels. As such, research into various incentives offered across states and local governments will help ensure you choose the right solution tailored specifically to your needs while also getting maximum value out of your solar panel system. With careful consideration given to each option along with weighing the pros and cons, homeowners can make an educated decision about what method works best for them financially without compromising quality or performance capabilities now or in the future.

Financing Options For Solar

The current H2, ‘Financing Options for Solar’ highlights the various means of paying for a solar system. Much like planning a financial road-map, understanding the options and analyzing them carefully can help to ensure that one chooses the best path to pay for their panels. This section will take an in-depth look at all the possibilities and provide insight into how each may be beneficial or detrimental.

When it comes to financing a solar system, there are multiple alternatives available depending on individual needs. A comprehensive solar analysis should be done which considers both electricity costs and any extra money saved through tax exemptions. Property tax exemption is often an attractive alternative that some states offer as part of the incentive package designed to encourage renewable energy consumption. An additional benefit seen annually is when filing taxes – homeowners with rooftop installations typically get back more money than those without due to credits specific to solar systems.

Apart from conventional methods such as cash payment or loan, another option is leasing out the solar panel installation instead of buying it outright; this route could potentially save hundreds of dollars every month while still enjoying clean energy benefits. While lease payments tend to have higher upfront costs initially compared to loans, they are usually less expensive over time since most companies include maintenance fees in these contracts making them a viable choice for individuals looking for an alternative financing option.

TIP: It is always advisable to compare different financing options before deciding which one works best – by considering factors such as annual savings, cost breakdowns and requirements related to taxation etc., property owners can make an informed decision about investing in a solar system that yields maximum rewards over time!

Cash Vs. Loan Vs. Lease Comparison For Solar

When considering the purchase of a solar system, cash, loan and lease are three different financing options to consider. Cash is often seen as the most financially advantageous option since no interest or other fees will be paid. However, it requires upfront payment of the full cost of installation and equipment which may not always be feasible for many consumers. Loan payments offer an alternative to paying in cash; this involves making monthly payments over a period of time with interest and potentially other associated fees. Typically, loans have lower interest rates compared to credit cards so can still provide some savings if used wisely. Lease agreements allow customers to pay a fixed rate monthly fee instead of purchasing the solar power system outright. This offers financial flexibility but does require that any excess energy generated by the system must be sold back to the utility company at predetermined rates.

Fortunately for potential buyers, there are plenty of options available when it comes to financing a solar system purchase – from low-interest year loans to zero-down leases. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages depending on individual circumstances such as budget constraints and short/long term goals. When researching these options, it’s important to understand all terms before committing in order to get the best deal possible while ensuring that electric bills remain low in the long run. Additionally, special incentives offered by local governments should also be taken into account when determining what type of financing would yield the lowest overall purchase price for your desired solar power system setup.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are There Any Tax Benefits Associated With Paying Cash For Solar?

Paying cash for a solar system has several advantages, one of which is the potential to receive tax benefits. When homeowners purchase solar panels and related equipment with cash, they can typically benefit from federal income tax credits that reduce the amount of taxes owed on their returns. Additionally, state governments often provide additional incentives such as rebates or other financial assistance when individuals pay in full for a solar system.

The type of credit available may vary depending upon location, so it is important to research what types of credits are offered at both the state and federal level. Additionally, some localities offer property tax exemptions if an individual purchases solar equipment and pays out-of-pocket rather than taking advantage of any financing options. It is beneficial to investigate all possible avenues before making a decision about how to finance a new solar energy system.

In addition to considering government incentives, it is also essential to consider whether paying upfront makes sense financially. A thorough evaluation should include analyzing current cash flow and savings, understanding long-term return on investment (ROI) goals, and researching financing options – including those without interest payments – that could be more cost effective in the end.

What Is The Average Installation Cost Of A Solar System?

The installation cost of a solar system varies significantly, depending on several factors. Generally speaking, the size and type of system, its location as well as any additional components or labor will all influence the overall price tag. On average, however, an install can range anywhere from $10 000 to over $30 000 for larger systems.

Homeowners should also factor in maintenance costs when considering whether to purchase a solar system. Maintenance fees can include such expenses as repair work and replacement parts that may be needed after years of usage. These types of repairs could incur extra charges which are not factored into the original installation cost. Additionally, if homeowners decide to hire professionals to do their own installations they should consider the associated labor costs too.

In short, determining how much it will cost to install a solar system depends largely on individual preferences and circumstances. A combination of factors including size, location and other related services will ultimately affect the total out-of pocket expense for those looking to take advantage of this renewable energy source.

How Much Energy Can I Expect To Generate From My Solar System?

Installing a solar system is like looking to the sky for infinite energy. The amount of energy that can be generated from it depends on various factors, including the size and efficiency of the photovoltaic (PV) cells used, weather conditions, and geographic location.

To calculate how much energy one can expect to generate from their solar system: • Size & Efficiency: A larger system with more efficient PV cells will produce more electricity in lower light levels compared to a smaller system with less efficient ones. • Weather Conditions: More sunlight will mean more electricity produced; cloudy or rainy days will reduce production. • Geographic Location: Different locations receive different amounts of sunshine throughout the year which affects total annual production.

By taking into account all these variables, homeowners can get an idea of what type and size of solar system they need to meet their power needs while making sure not to overspend on excess capacity. Additionally, local governments may offer incentives such as tax credits or grants that could further decrease installation costs and increase expected returns. Ultimately, investing in clean energy sources such as solar systems helps create a sustainable future for generations to come.

What Is The Minimum Down Payment Required To Pay Cash For Solar?

Solar energy has become increasingly popular as an alternative power source, particularly in recent years. As such, many homeowners are considering the possibility of investing in a solar system for their homes. When it comes to paying for this investment, one option is to pay cash up front – but how much money will be required? This article aims to address this question and provide insight into what the minimum down payment may be when opting to pay cash for solar.

To begin with, it is important to note that the cost of installing a solar system varies significantly depending on multiple factors including location and size of the installation. Therefore, there is no single answer regarding the amount needed for a minimum down payment; however, generally speaking most consumers can expect to make some kind of initial financial contribution at least. Generally speaking it’s reasonable to assume that customers should plan on budgeting several thousand dollars upfront in order to cover all costs associated with purchasing and installing a solar system.

It is also worth mentioning that while making payments over time or financing options may seem appealing due to lower monthly expenses compared to paying cash upfront, they often come with added interest rates or other fees which could end up costing more in the long run if not properly researched first. Ultimately then, deciding whether or not you should pay cash upfront for your solar system depends largely on individual circumstances; something only you can decide after weighing both potential benefits and drawbacks.

Ultimately then, those looking into investing in solar must consider carefully their particular situation before committing either way – by researching all available options thoroughly and being aware of any additional fees associated with each. While having access to finance options might appear beneficial initially due to reduced overall costs spread out over installments, failing to research these closely could result in paying more than necessary later down the line – so always make sure you understand exactly what you’re agreeing too!

Is There Any Additional Maintenance Required When Paying Cash For Solar?

Investing in solar energy is becoming increasingly popular as an alternative to traditional energy sources. For those considering paying cash for a solar system, it is important to understand any additional maintenance requirements that may be associated with the purchase. This article will explore this topic by providing an overview of what should be taken into account when evaluating maintenance needs for a solar system purchased with cash.

When purchasing a solar system using cash, there are several factors that need to be considered regarding potential maintenance costs and responsibilities. It is essential to consider the type of equipment being used as well as its life expectancy; both of which can have an impact on ongoing maintenance costs over time. Additionally, it is also important to research warranties and manufacturer’s recommendations related to specific components within the system such as inverters, batteries or other parts. These elements must all be evaluated before making a final decision on whether or not cash payment is feasible given the level of upkeep required.

The benefits offered by investing in solar power through cash payments cannot be denied; however, one must weigh these against the long-term impact of maintaining the system throughout its lifespan. Having full knowledge ahead of time about expected levels of upkeep can help make this process easier and ensure satisfaction from the investment made in a quality solar system that meets individual needs.


Solar systems offer numerous advantages to homeowners and businesses alike, from reducing electricity bills to providing a clean source of renewable energy. For those looking for an environmentally friendly solution, paying cash for solar can be one of the most cost-effective options available. However, there are certain considerations that must be taken into account when making this decision, such as installation costs, expected energy production, and required minimum down payments.

The primary benefit associated with paying cash for a solar system is the potential tax incentives offered by various states and local governments. These incentives help offset some of the upfront costs associated with purchasing a solar system outright and can provide significant savings in the long run. Additionally, because no loan needs to be repaid over time, more money remains available for maintenance or unexpected repairs if needed.

Overall, deciding whether or not to pay cash for a solar system is a weighty choice that requires careful consideration due to its considerable financial implications. As with any investment decision, it’s important to do your research beforehand so you know what you’re getting yourself into – like stepping onto a tightrope between two opposing worlds: investing in something sustainable yet risky at the same time. Ultimately, taking advantage of all the benefits provided by going solar will be worth the effort invested when compared to traditional methods of producing energy. Next Article