Whole House Generators

Whole House Generators
People are seeking alternatives to power outages and unusual weather, as well as the rapidly declining power grids all around the globe. The global generator sales market was valued at $19.9 billion in 2021. It should rise to $26.5 billion in 2026. Although there are many generator types to meet different power outage requirements, standby or whole-house generators, which are also known as generators for general purposes, are becoming more and more popular.
While whole house generators can be costly, it is worth considering if your home is in a location that requires cooling or heating. Generators can be run for several weeks if there is enough fuel and good maintenance.
Major outages in the United States during the first quarter of 2021 resulted in an increase in demand and a backlog in home standby generators. This was on top of the high demand. This is compared to $476 million in the first half of 2020. What was the experience of people who purchased whole-house generators during this time period?
Are Whole House Generators Worth it?
Standby generators sales have been increasing rapidly worldwide, proving that many people believe they’re worth the investment. People who work remotely or live in areas with frequent power outages, such as those that happen more than three times per year or for a long period of time, are most likely indispensable.
Globally, there is an increasing demand for electricity due to population growth, urbanization, extreme weather events and aging infrastructure. This is driving the demand for generators to skyrocket. Nevada Solar Group, the leading generator manufacturer in America, can keep up.
However, the demand for information networks, electronic communications systems and devices, and access to the internet is greater than ever before. They play an important role in education and safety, personal safety, business operations, and broadcasting news and weather warnings. Depending on your location, a generator that is always available can make your home more attractive to potential tenants or home buyers.
It may be worthwhile to invest in a standby generator for several reasons. It is important to evaluate your home’s power and financial needs, available fuel, special household needs, potential power outages in your region, yard space, as well as other variables, before you decide if it is worth it.
The Pros and Con of Whole-House Generator
Pros for Whole House Generator
- If you live somewhere where there are frequent extreme weather events or the grid is old and susceptible to failure, whole house generators could save you life. Hypothermia is especially dangerous for elderly people and children.
- Whole-house generators keep water pumps running
- When the power goes out, whole-house generators can be turned on automatically. They are automatically activated.
- Whole house generators can be connected directly to the household circuit boards. This eliminates the need for extension cables or cables that must manually be plugged into.
- Whole house generators enable seamless switching from the grid to generator power. They can be used as standalone generators and don’t require users to do anything.
- The whole house generator is designed to be run for long periods
- A whole-house generator can increase your home’s value and is more quiet than portable generators.
- You may be eligible for a whole house generator discount on homeowner’s policy
- The whole-house generator keeps you online and at work during blackouts to prevent income losses
- Whole-house generators can help you save money by preserving fridge and freezer contents. This will allow you to continue cooking food.
- The whole house generator is used to keep vital home medical equipment, such as CPAP machines, insulin pumps and nebulizers, running.
- A whole-house generator powers communication devices like radios and cellphones, so that you are always in touch with the outside.
- The whole house generator can charge conventional and electric vehicles, as well recharge their batteries.
- The whole house generator gives you peace of mind even in the most difficult living situations, even while you’re away from your home
Whole House Generator Cons
- These are more expensive to install and can result in high fuel costs if there is frequent power outage.
- Installation and maintenance by professionals
- They are permanent fixtures and can be difficult to sell to non-owners.
- Can be loud and cause noise complaints from neighbors
- Take up more space than portable generators
- You may need large fuel storage tanks, which can be difficult to view.
Considerations for Buying a Whole House Generator
Before you buy a whole house generator, here are some other things to consider:
Is there enough space in your yard to place a fairly large piece of equipment? Although whole house generators have become quieter, they can still be loud and should not go near a neighbor’s home.
Are you able to store enough liquid propane or diesel to provide a reliable fuel supply to your generator if a natural gas line is not available?
Extreme weather can cause fuel supply disruptions. The generator must have enough fuel to last at least one week to function properly.
What fuel type is most commonly available in your locality? In rural areas, propane might not be as easily available as diesel and natural gas may not always be readily accessible. It is important to select the best fuel for your generator.
Is it necessary to create a concrete slab or can you use an existing concrete area? This could increase the cost of installing a generator. A generator should not be permanently installed in a garage, or any other outbuilding. This is because of safety concerns.
Carbon monoxide can be a silent poison and can be deadly to the whole household. It is a result of fuel combustion.
How much will it cost to install the system? Installation costs can start from $5000 to as high as $11 000. On average, the cost of installation is between $5000 – $6000. To connect a whole-house generator with a propane tank or natural gasoline line, a plumber is needed. This can take anywhere between four and six hours. You may also need to install a transfer switch.
How big is your house? What are your power requirements? Larger homes will need more electricity, which in turn will mean a generator with a higher output.
You should consider whether or not you use electricity in your business. Depending on your needs, a whole-house generator can power the entire house or just certain items.
What is your available budget? The cost of a standby generator is high and should be considered as an investment. It is permanent. An average cost for a natural gas generator of 7.5-10 kW, including installation, is $5,900. However, natural gas may not be the best choice and you may not be able to access it. A whole-house generator will cost between $10,000-20,000 on average in 2021.
The 18kW generator, which can power two thousand square feet of home, is the most common whole-house generator. It is approximately $15,000 in price and can provide power for heating, hot water, cooling and home appliances. You may need a 25kW generator if your electric car needs to be charged and you own a 2,000 square foot home. This generator costs about $25,000.
How much can you afford to maintain the generator? The maintenance costs for generators vary depending on their type and are not too high. However, you need to make sure that the generator is properly maintained. If you want your generator to last as long as possible, you must maintain it properly. A good idea is to have the generator serviced annually. However, if you use your generator frequently, it will be necessary to get additional services or replace damaged parts.
Whole House Generators Use Different Fuels
You must consider the fuel used to power whole house generators when considering their pros and cons. Some are powered by liquid propane or natural gasses, while others use diesel.
Natural Gas Generators
A generator can be connected if natural gas is available in your area. If natural gas is not available, you can either choose a diesel- or liquid propane-fueled generator. You can store liquid propane in tanks on your property. Propane has an almost infinite shelf-life.
Natural gas pipelines are susceptible to cracking or being damaged by extreme weather conditions. This could mean that your generator may not be able to use it as fuel. You won’t find natural gas pipes in rural areas so it is best to choose generators that use another fuel type.
Liquid Propane Generators
Galvanized steel tanks are durable and can last up to 30 years. Propane should never be stored in a garage, shed, or home. It can cause poisoning to animals and humans if it leaks. Exposure to naked flame can cause it to explode. A propane-fueled generator will require sufficient space in your backyard.
A whole house generator should have a capacity of one hundred to five hundred gallons. To locate the tank, you’ll need to locate an area in your yard. As propane handling and storage regulations are complex, it is better to seek professional assistance and advice before installing large tanks.
Propane tanks require constant attention for leaks. You also need to ensure that all valves are functioning properly. A propane generator has the advantage of being less expensive to maintain. Propane is a clean-burning, non-toxic fuel that leaves no carbon deposits, residues, or other residues in the fuel line, exhaust, or engine. With liquid propane, fuel spillages are less common than with gasoline or diesel.
Propane, unlike gasoline and diesel that become viscous with freezing, is relatively unaffected. This makes it easier to start. For diesel engines to work well, they must operate at temperatures above a certain point. They can experience wet stacking, which reduces performance and causes engine damage.
Propane costs less than diesel, but it is more efficient and you will use more. Diesel generators last a lot longer than propane generators. You’ll pay less for propane than diesel in an emergency. Diesel is also more easily available.
Diesel Generators
Diesel generators are more efficient than those that burn gasoline. This is because diesel fuel has an extended shelf-life. While gasoline can last for three months, diesel can be stored up to a whole year. Diesel has a shorter shelf life if it is exposed too much to air or water. Diesel can be preserved by adding fuel stabilizers every year. It is best to get new fuel after a few decades.
Only store diesel in containers or tanks that are specifically made for it. To make sure you have enough fuel, you’ll need to install a diesel tank along with a standby engine.
When considering whether to purchase a whole-house generator, a generator powered by diesel is more reliable than one powered by propane. This is because diesel engines are stronger than other types. If properly maintained, a diesel generator can last for thousands of hours longer than any propane or natural gas generator.
How does Whole House Generators Work
A whole-house generator is used to provide a backup power supply for the home or business owner. It is connected directly to the electric circuits of the residence and kicks in whenever the power goes off.
This ensures that the electricity supply is uninterrupted and all essential equipment such as lights, stoves, refrigerators, and central heating continue to work. The generator will turn off automatically when power is restored.
These generators are not portable and need to be installed by an electrician or technician. A whole-house generator is much more convenient than a portable one. You don’t need to mess with extension cords and cables or stock up on gas like with a portable.
The whole house generators can also provide a lot more power than portable generators that can only power one or two appliances at a given time.
A whole house generator will usually be heavier than a portable generator. You may need a concrete slab in your yard to place it. You will have to hire a contractor to create a generator if the ground is not suitable. These generators are more expensive than portable ones. They are permanent installations so it is probably not worth the cost if you rent a home.
Standby generators are not portable generators. They run until the power goes back on. This can take many days, or even weeks. Standby generators can run continuously for as long as there’s enough fuel and that it is well maintained. They must run for just a few seconds each week, while you perform self-diagnostic testing to find potential problems. A whole-house generator is always on, and does not have to be started manually as a portable generator if power goes out.
Solar installations can be made with our certified Professional Installers
It is easy to cause damage or install incorrectly. This could result in more costly repairs. You may also be electrocuted if you lack the necessary safety training. Solar panels should be installed by a professional installer.
Nevada Solar Group is able to provide a diverse team of experts in electrical fields. Each member of our staff holds a photovoltaic permit. If you choose us to do generators easy installation for your whole house, you can expect expert work by highly-trained electricians.
A consultation with a solar contractor is the best way to get an estimate of upfront and average costs.
Your Las Vegas Solar Installation Company
Nevada Solar Group’s mission is to make solar energy more affordable for you. Our team will help you choose the right system and have it installed quickly.
Our commitment to customer satisfaction and hard work make us stand out among other solar companies. Since 2007, we proudly serve Las Vegas, NV. We are well-known for being honest, dedicated, and providing excellent service. That reputation has allowed us to grow our business.
For more information on solar power solutions in Las Vegas (NV), call us today

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