
Ways To Finance A Commercial Solar Panel Installation

Do you want to continue doing your business meanwhile saving and earning money? Then commercial solar panel installation is the right choice for you. Its essence lies in installing a solar panel system on the commercial building where your business is located. Of course, where the solar equipment will be mounted depends on the location of the commercial building. However, taking into account the allocation of businesses primarily in the city center, mainly rooftop solar installation takes place with commercial buildings. It is an addition to the business that opens up possibilities for cutting costs alongside upgrading building design and name recognition as a company with high corporate social responsibility (CSR). Above all, what’s the best about choosing to invest in solar panel installation is the possibility of choosing among a plethora of financing options as a result of cooperation with great solar panel companies like Nevada Solar Group. So, let’s dig deeper into the topic to acknowledge the why-s and how-s of commercial solar panel investments.

Why Invest In Commercial Solar Panel Installation?

Many business owners hesitate to make their business a solar one because of mistrust in the benefits that it may bring. However, the experience of multimillionaire companies from different industries shows that a commercial solar panel installation gives the business the opportunity to feel how consumption of a resource can bring financial and corporate benefits. No matter how the business functions, energy consumption turns out efficient and financially viable with photovoltaic (PV) panel installation. Commercial customers love the part about the financial viability of PV module installation. Let me list 4 main financial perks that come with the integration of a commercial solar panel into your business.


  1. electricity pay becomes equal to $0.02/kWh
  2. electricity bills get decreased by 90 percent
  3. ROI surges by over 20 percent
  4. complete, 100 percent finance becomes available for the business assets

Can you already feel how beneficial solar can be for your business in its financial meaning? I am happy to hear the positive answer! Now, let’s see how you can finance the investment so that it suits your financial needs and opportunities.

Cash & Loans

Let’s start with cash and loans. The reason to begin with these options is their feasibility to reap the most out of solar incentives on a federal and state level, plus put a start to depreciation with an accelerated rate of return. Taking into account the high solar panel tax credit that still dominates the industry in an amount of 26 percent, going solar with your business is worth a try. Why do I mention cash along with loans? Because it is assumable that not every company may have access to the required amount of money for full cash payment. Considering that, a cash purchase may be coupled with loans. Still, cash combined with loans is a possible maximizer of ROI for commercial PV panel installation.



Higher payment per month without immediate ownership – shortly termed leasing. What’s the best about leasing is the opportunity to negotiate at the end of the term to acquire the good. Among a plethora of leasing programs, you will definitely find the best fit for you. With leasing, you eliminate the need to get fully integrated into the financing process and attribution of tax liabilities, technological obsolescence, commercial solar panel cost, etc. In the case of choosing a responsible company like Nevada Solar Group, leasing may be your go-to option.


The abbreviation PPA is Power Purchase Agreements – the word speaks for itself. While going for the PPA, a client takes care of the payment for the generated energy at the lowest possible rate, completely different from what utilities offer to their consumers. It is quite similar to leasing because it also provides the opportunity to take advantage of depreciation and tax incentives that come with solar. What people love about PPA is the possibility of having potential power cost savings without costs of capital. Besides, stability and predictable monitoring of the energy cost is guaranteed to be long-term with PPA.


Final Note

Commercial solar panel installation is a massive gain for any business. If you are a business owner that is hesitant to go solar, then take the opportunity to research the field because it is worth it! The article that you have just read listed most of the benefits of going solar commercially. With a highlight on its financial viability and multiple financing options, commercial PV panel installation cannot go wrong. Let’s make an investment that prioritizes the client’s finances. Let’s go solar, go save!

The author of a publication: Veronika Abrahamyan


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